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Did you know that Marigo Zarafopoula...

 ...was one of the invisible heroines of Greek War Independence?


Marigo Zarafopoula was born and lived in Tatavla (nowadays Kurtuluş), a district of Istanbul. Through her brother, trader Hatzi-Vassilis Sarafi, who was a member of Philike Etaireia, she came in contact with other members of the Etaireia. Due to her family's relations with significant Turks, she undertook the task of gathering information about the movements of Sublime Porte officials. After the start of the Revolution, she remained in Istanbul, despite the violent incidents that broke out. She worked with exemplary patriotic zeal, rescuing many hostages and almost imprisoning herself. She managed to travel to Hydra in May 1821, bringing with her a large sum of money which she gave for the needs of the Revolution. During the Greek Struggle, she acted as a spy in fortresses and cities besieged by the Greeks, in order to gather information and deliver important documents, with the aim of freeing prisoners. She used her fortune to care for the wounded and sick and to buy ammunition and food for the army. Her contribution to the Greek Revolution was certified with documents provided by several important chieftains.

By the end of the Struggle she had allocated all her money for the Revolution. As a result, she submitted an application to the Committee, which was responsible for the recognition of the warriors of independence, requesting a pension. In her application, dated April 19th, 1865, she expresses the reasonable complaint that others who contributed much less than her and her husband to the Struggle, retired and the one who was deprived of everything did not receive anything.

September - June
Tuesday - Friday: 09.00-16.00
Saturday - Sunday: 10.00-16.00
July - August
Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00-16.00
Admission until: 15.30
Permanent exhibition: general admission 10 €, reduced 5 €
Temporary exhibitions: general admission 10 €, reduced 5 €
Combined admission: general 15 €, reduced 8 €
Free admission: 1nd Sunday of the month (November-February), March 25, May 18, October 28
Opening hours Tuesday- Sunday 09:00-16:00