“When I was serving with the Naval Aviation, every time I gave my men leave to visit their homes in different parts of Greece, I asked them to bring me information about whatever spirits or goblins they might hear of in their native villages. Further, in my own travels throughout Greece, I kept notes on everything I could learn about them […] The modern Greeks keep alive their old fables and traditions in a festive and charming fashion […] One of the most charming modern Greek myths is this of Kalkades Kalikantzari or Pagana […] These half-demons, ape- like creatures with large eyes and tails and animal like legs […] All year they are hidden in an immense cavern inside the earth, where they are chopping the truck of the tree which supports the crust of the earth. In Christmas Eve the mankind prepares to celebrate the birth of Christ and the Kalkades Kalilantzari hear all the fuss going on above their heads and rush up to the earth ‘s surface. For twelve nights and days they make their presence felt getting up to all the monkey tricks and mischief imaginable. But on the Epiphany when the waters are blessed they disappear. They are lost in the depths of the waters and in the bowels of the earth, where they are destined to spend the rest of the year.” (Thanos Velloudios, Goblins and Christmas Sprites (The Kalikantzari). G Tsiveriotis, n.d.)

Thanos Velloudios in Asia Minor (Photographic Archives HESG-NHM, I3619α)